A Big Thank you to 2016!

December 31, 2016

Whew! Well 2016 is finally done but although the new year always is a chance to start fresh and to look for bigger and better things, I have to say that 2016 has been a great year with great weddings and most importantly great clients. I look at these random photos I picked for this blog post and they are just all dear to me because each photo brings me back in time of exactly how the mood and feel was in each particular photo. Whether it was a lot of tension in the room because the bridal party happened to be late to the next location, the nerves, the great laughs, the small mishaps,  the anticipation of the actual ceremony and yes, even the weather. I actually embrace all of this because at the end of the night it makes the completion of your weddings much more sweeter. Do I feel like crap the next day? Yes. But when I receive your emails stating how ecstatic you are with your photos or the actual joy I have handing you your photos make all the aches and pains worth it.

I have to be thankful to my clients that my clients thought highly of my work that The Knot awarded me with the 2017 best weddings. Which is for the 3rd year in a row which I’m extremely humbled. I always thought if I did a good job for the year that it would actually reflect the good job you did for your clients for the current year. Don’t ask me how but the 2017 is for the reviews my clients left me for 2016.

But nonetheless I’m very thankful to do what I love to do even in the midst of things getting crazy with back to back weddings, time constraints and any other obstacle a wedding may give you but more importantly it’s actually giving you guys the service I feel like you all deserve. See for the most part when the work is good, it’s basically not enough. It’s the actual service you give to your clients. The call backs, the answering of the questions and maintaining communication with your clients throughout the year. But more importantly actually coaching you guys on your wedding day to actually tell you enjoy your wedding while trying to create art on your day. From giving all of you a heartfelt goodbyes at the end of your reception that we finally did it after a whole year of preparation…..

To my 2016 clients. I miss all of you and will always miss you. As well as all my prior years. Each year it will alway be the same. Since the first time I documented my first wedding till my current weddings. I love you all…….

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